Sun, sand, and an “Archimedes’ Limonade”

Just eight more sleeps and the waiting is over. Archimedes’ Sandbox 2019 invites all kids to come along to the Katschhof and get down and sandy. This year’s Action Day will feature field robot ETAROB. This summer’s Archimedes’ Workshop is a “Play Lab”. And for those who get thirsty, there will be fizzy “Future Colada”.

First the good news: There are still some free places in the Holiday-Games Workshop “Play Lab”. Under the supervision of a team of experts from the Bleiberger Fabrik, the kids will build a maze based on their own ideas and made with a range of different materials. Coloured tapes, wooden slats, old wheels etc. will all be there to choose from. And what can the kids learn from it all? That fantasy and play are important aspects of being an innovator.

On the Action Day on Friday, 19th July 2019, from 10 am to 5 pm, the FH Aachen will be letting an agricultural robot roll around on the Katschhof. His name is ETAROB and he can pull out weeds and fertilise salad. And how does he tell the good plants from the nasty weeds? You can find that out from the guys from the MASKOR Institute (Mobile autonome Systeme und kognitive Robotik).
The RWTH’s Mining Institute will be showcasing a mini-excavator that can do really high-precision work. You can even try it out for yourself under supervision.
The eXploregio.mobil will feature the Kerkrader Continium Discovery Center team as guests and will have hands-on experiments on board.
The Centre Charlemagne has an indoor treat prepared: the Discover Archaeology experience.

And if all the attractions make you thirsty, you can get alcohol-free, inspiring cocktails at the e-mobile Science Bar, for example a “Future Colada”, an “Archimedes’ Limonade” or a “Bloody Marie Curie”. Cheers!
