And Nao is dancing Gangnam Style

The RWTH is offering a Robot Action Group for schoolchildren. Drop by and find out more!

This is the student laboratory RoboScope: a girl is screwing components together for a robot arm; a boy is busy programming at the computer; and a Nao robot is dancing “Gangnam Style”. The RoboScope is a facility of the Institute of Information Management in Mechanical Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University that offers courses to children and adolescents from the Aachen-Düren region on the subject of robotics. The courses take place in the student laboratory, or can be used as components in an extra-curricular unit. “The mission of the student laboratory is to encourage interest among children and adolescents in technical topics and to help give them a solid grounding in mathematics, computer sciences, natural sciences and engineering,” explains project leader Gergana Deppe.

Experiment, programme, optimise

For all those who want to get creative, the Robot Action Group offers the perfect framework. Here, robot fans can construct, design and programme their own robots using LEGO Mindstorm kits. Through the process, their skills in Java and Python are continuously improved. The RoboScope team provides support and mentoring for the talented youngsters while they experiment, test and optimise.

By the way: once a year, RoboScope holds a robot competition. You can participate solo or in teams. The self-constructed robots have to accomplish a range of set tasks. Entries will be judged on construction, design, programming and task performance. Das theme of the 2019 competition: Finding Nemo