Cool clothing

Clothes that think for themselves? Now wouldn’t that be something! The Citizens’ Service Centre in the Katschhof has a new Technology Display Case that features the latest state of research in the field of “Textiles 4.0”. You can take a look, and also listen to background information – and there’s even an opportunity for little kids to “feel science”.

With this summer set once again to break the 35ΒΊ C threshold, who wouldn’t want to have clothing that monitors the rising temperature and automatically cools itself?
This is the idea that researchers at the RWTH’s Institute for Textile Technology are working on. They have been presenting their latest results since 2nd July in a Technology Display Case in the Citizens’ Service Centre on the Katschhof.
Here, local residents can shorten the waiting time by listening to all kinds of advanced information on intelligent clothes or taking a closer look at the 4D Textile Exhibit. And there’s even something for kids that will make the visit worthwhile: first contact with science. They literally get the chance to “feel science”. If they can correctly identify the concealed object, they get a little surprise reward from the City’s Science Office.

Science you can touch
True to the motto “Understanding innovation, marvelling at technology, and feeling business”, this is where the latest developments are brought directly to the attention of Aachen’s general public. You can find out which innovations and technologies are “Made in Aachen”, what they can be used for, and what advantages and benefits they offer. And your honest feedback is always welcome. You can have your say about the 4D Textile Exhibit in the Citizens’ Service Centre, for example, at the Closing Event on 26th September.
By the way, the future-related topics and contents of the Technology Display Case will change every three months – so next time that happens the temperatures will certainly be lower. So don’t forget to dress warmly – after all, temperature self-regulating clothes won’t be on the market for at least another couple of years.
